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Saturday, September 02, 2006 

Fallen Hero

janet holds a special place in daReal's heart. i grew up listening to her music, dancing along to her videos, and mimicking her styles. i have been a fan of hers since i was rocking a press 'n' curl and wearing osh kosh b'gosh (yeah, a long time). i have every album and even most singles, and have seen her in concert 3 times (all floor seats...and once front row center). somewhere in my parents' garage i've got hundreds of posters (courtesy of right on and word up), t-shirts, tour books, and a countless number of magazines bearing her image. never would i have imagined that the person i so admired for her talent and creativity would become the person she is today. yeah i know she's in love and all that good stuff. but its starting to affect her music and i don't like that shit. after her divorce, she said she would no longer mix the bedroom and the boardroom. i jumped with joy because at the time she had started dating jd and i was never a big fan of his work. (i'll always be on team jam & lewis). that troll of hers may be 'the man' when it comes to producing a club hit, but working with janet requires more than a drum machine and catchy hook. to anyone that says: "but daReal, jd helped mariah make her comeback." to that i would reply: "bullshit!" mariah's album was not all that. in my opinion it sucked ass. most of those singles sounded alike and could've been performed by someone with far less vocal ability like ashanti. to say emancipation was a classic is taking things a little too far. but i digress. from control to the velvet rope, janet always came with a distinct sound on her albums and a different theme. she's gotten to a point now where she's abusing old formulas that worked for her in the past. janet, please stop with the lame interludes. no really, stop it! i give all for you a pass cause there were some good songs on there. i don't even acknowledge damita jo's existence. what happened to the janet that had more to sing about? the one who could have an album talking about about gettin' the bid-ness, but could still mix it up with songs about social issues, love songs, and songs to get you up and moving. what happened to the janet that had more to talk about in her interviews than her sex life? somehow she got replaced with a 40 year old insecure & confused has-been who's trying to hold on to her past instead of moving on and evolving like she use to with every album. peep that slide show again. there was even a distinct look with each album. a look no one else was doing. i almost feel like i wish she was still married to her ex. say what you want about ol' chico, but he was a bit more integral to her career than many will admit. i hate to say this, but she's fallen from grace. but like any other faithful fan, i'll have my $9.99 ready to buy 20 y.o. on sept. 26th. but unlike in the past, i'm not waiting in anticipation for it.

a few of my favorite janet songs/videos:

Well it could always be worse... wait, no it couldn't. Janet needs to gone let rene have that hall pass so she can fall back to Janet instead of Damita Jo.

I love your slideshow babygirl!

(pours out a swig of O.E. for Penny Woods...)

Janet will always be the QUEEN!

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