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Sunday, September 03, 2006 

A few things that scare me

i consider myself a pretty tough individual having grown up in the mean & well-paved streets of surburbia florida. (shout outs to pembroke pines, miami lakes, and coconut grove. haha!) not many things really bother me. now that doesnt mean you'll ever catch me roaming the streets of nyc, atl, chicago, or la in the middle of the night. but it does take a lot to really scare me. here are a few of things that do:

no tax paying citizen doesnt fear "the man". when it comes to your hard earned money, "the" and "irs" becomes "theirs" and them nukkas dont play that shit. there cant be anything scarier than waking up to a knock at the door while federal agents run up in your place and take all your shit. jd can surely attest to that. and unfortunately the man responsible for getting my daddy in my mama's drawers the night i was conceived has to learn the hard way...fill out that damn 1040 form.

fuck freddy, jason, and mike! none of those fools scared my young ass like mr. daniel robitaille. its a damn shame i gotta type this with all the lights on too. i have never ever ever stood in a bathroom, looked in a mirror, said his name 5 times, and then turned off the lights. fuck that! bloody mary? no problem. thats child's play. but to call the name of a big black man with a hook on his hand and a chip on his shoulder...fuhgettaboutit!!!! notice how his name is spelled with missing letters. that movie may have been border line c-list at best, but it got the job done with scaring me. and why in the hell did they make a sequel?

north korea
okay i should say specifically kim jong-il. dont let the little man with the
funny accent fool you. he puts the fear of god in the us gov't. you know how folks say when kids are quiet they're usually up to something. that saying rings true when it comes to this man. the media doesnt mention him until he's already sitting in his chair with his hands on a controller ready to test nuclear weapons and shit like that. while we're out chasing down bin laden, we tend to take our other eye off mr. "il" and that aint good. bush has tried to manhandle lil kim in recent times, but that shit hasn't worked out so well. joining iraq and iran to form the "axis of evil" north korea would be considered pretty "gangsta" like the young kids say.

there is nothing more disgusting than a mothaf*ckin cockroach. they are the dirtiest, most vile specimens on the planet. and considering the foreign strains of various stds in many hollywood celebs, thats saying something. i will jump onto the kitchen counter and scream my lungs off at the sight of a roach of any size. from the small babies to the huge project roaches that move in and wanna be considered part of the family. those usually start off as normal, but manage to mutate into something that cant even be described by bugologists.

well, there you have it. the things that scare the piss outta daReal.

Why the fuvk you had gotta bring up C_ndym_n??? I saw that ish back when i was a freshman in college, and i promise you I ain't slept well since. *glances ova shoulder*

Lawd, the roach in the coach is all hella kindsa wrong!!! Why does that ish remind me of my cousin Glodine's car??? Fuvkin' roach sittin' on the driva side talkin' bout "make sho you fasten yo seatbelt. I can't afford no mo tickets"


You are a fewl! I'm a project girl at heart but my fears are Snakes, Scientologists, and Beyonce! hahaha!

i wish i would watch that movie. i'm such a scaredy cat, i'd have to sleep with all the lights on AND company. sheeeiiitttt, no thanks!

JCD - i think i may be more scurred of tina and her wonky eye!

Jules you a damn fewl! I got some folks innarested in Night of the Living Beyheads, so hurry up and get that screen play ready!

I'm skurred of Mama Tina... she prolly got a ruht on all our hatin' azzes for messin' with her cub.

*Adjusts pouch containin' chicken foot, swan feather and camphor on string around neck* She ain't finna git me!

Y'all know BeYonce is like 33yrs old?

LOL...don'tcha kno, i tried to click the link to the herpes ridden celebs and whaddya kno? my browser blocks the shit sayin its filtered because its category is "tasteless"

why am i not surprised

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