i have decided to to do a little spring cleaning in my body. by this time tomorrow i will have undergone colon hydrotherapy. what's that, you ask? well, colon hydrotherapy, also known as a "colonic," is a procedure by which the large intestine is cleaned by flushing it with water in different quantities, temperatures and pressures through a tube inserted in the rectum. sounds kinda weird and painful, but none of my research indicates that i'll experience any pain. this will be my first one so i'm a little nervous. the procedure is different from an "enema," which only cleanses the rectum and lower sigmoid colon. enemas can also be self-administered, while colon hydrotherapy is administered by a trained hydrotherapist using a LIBBE (lower intestine bottom bowel evacuation system). i'm not entirely sure how i came up with the idea to have this done. i don't suffer from chronic constipation or anything like that. i guess it may have stemmed from me wanting to detox a few months ago.i kept looking around for ways to cleanse my insides and came upon colonics and chose that as oppose to detoxing, which i may still do. i'd heard of colonics about 10 years ago, but the idea of having anything inserted into my rectum did not trigger pleasant feelings at 15 years old. but now i'd like to see what the benefits of ridding my body of waste that has been building up for the past 25 years will feel like. i am suppose to limit myself to soups tomorrow and avoid eating 2 hours prior to the procedure. i can't say that i'm all too thrilled by that. i kinda had my heart set on some chik-fil-a for lunch, but i'm sure the remnants of past meals there that will be flushed outta me will serve as a reminder that i should eat more healthy anyway. i've opted to have it done after work. i could have gone on my lunch break, but i think its best i have it done when i can go home afterwards...just in case the intrusive nature of the procedure makes me want to crawl up into the fetal position and think happy thoughts (lol). i'm curious to know how i'll feel when its over. sometimes i imagine i'll come outta there like "man! i feel 'bout 10lbs lighter" like a typical obnoxious friend or relative who feels the need to announce their bowel movements after a big meal. but somehow i think i may be at a loss for words and may not want to talk to anyone afterwards. if i'm up to it, i'll write about the experience when i get home.
i almost forgot about this damn blog. not that i have anyone waiting on the edge of their seat for my posts. i actually forgot my username and password. i really don't like this new blogger format and sign-in. but i guess i should give it some time. maybe i'll get use to it.
anyway, not much going on. still working, looking at possible options for the fall, and acting up with the crunksters. i did take some much needed time for myself and now i'm back to reality. *sigh* and i am facing a hard time getting rid of someone in my life who is 17 kinds of wrong! its not that they won't leave, its just that i'm having a hard time telling them to just fuck off forever! he's a friend, nothing romantic. okay there was one minor, shall we say, hiccup, but trust me i still regret that and it wasn't that serious. but we've been cool since for the most part. anyway, we just got into an argument. and do you know he had the nerve to tell me that i'm stupid for constantly bringing up the fact that he has a girlfriend. and not only that, but also because i haven't "stepped to the plate" as he puts it. hello?!?!?! when did monogamy go out of style? according to him he's laid out some path that i refuse to respond to. i really think he's cool as a friend, and i try my hardest to be just that...friends. but c'mon! why am i being difficult because i refuse to break up a relationship? i clearly stepped out of bounds once, and have no intention of making that a habit. and then when i explain i have no interest in being a sideline hoe, he scoffs at the notion saying he would never treat me like a hoe...completely missing my point that its a slang reference not meant to be taken literally. regardless of how well he treats me i'd always be the "other" woman. but of course, to him, i only see things from a narrow-minded perspective. as i type this, i am even more convinced that i should just put an end to us entirely. i know he wants things that i'm not willing to give up. i don't know why i revert to dummy-mode when it comes to certain guys. i guess in some ways the attention would be missed. every now and then i do wonder if i'll ever find someone who's right for me...and single. and for me to really cut someone from my life there usually has to be that "moment" you know. one where it hits me and i think to myself "you need to put an end to this now!" there hasn't been one for me. i know what to do, but don't know what to do...actually i'm just in denial about what i need to do. would it be fine to just delete his number and never call or take his calls? or should i wo"man" up and just tell him we can't be friends so there is no confusion later on? damn! if i were a hoe with no morals, this would not be such a difficult situation. i'd be over there on my back with my legs in the air and not at this damn computer typing this entry. ha!