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Sunday, September 17, 2006 

Getting myself in shape

so far i've made some progress in my journey towards law school (or towards successfully applying to law school). i've sent off requests for all of my transcripts to be sent to lsac. i've drafted the emails i'll send to one of my old professors as well as a former internship supervisor about writing recommendations for me. i wanted to send them from my work email so i can better track their responses. i'll be requesting two more from my current supervisors in person sometime next week. i sent off a check for the remaining balance for an lsat prep course due to start soon. and finally, i registered to take the damn test in december. [side note: i cant for the life of me get my printer to print in just black and white but still legible] this all adds up to me being slightly relieved of some stress, yet broke ass hell!!! but, i managed to actually set out some short term goals and get them all done. all i can say is wow! that hasn't happened in ages. i may need to apply that same determination to other aspects of my life. which leads me to my next goal or should i say phase.

i am planning to get in shape. yes, dareal_aka_alex is about to get it right, get it tight as we approach the end of 2006. this will be an even longer-term goal than getting into law school. most people tend to jump on the health bandwagon at the start of the new year in hopes of strutting along the beaches of [insert trendy tropical city here] in a bikini by the summer. that's never been appealing to me. if i'm headed to the beach, it ain't to walk up and down the shore and profile. i go to the beach to, dare i say, swim! anyway, my ultimate reason/goal is to avoid the health pitfalls that are prevalent not only in my family, but in african-americans in general. i tend to lead a sedentary lifestyle and i would like to become more active and maintain my youthful looks. and i just want to improve my overall health. what would the world be like without me around? i'll tell ya...a sad sad world that's for sure. ok, well maybe just for my friends and family, but still!

right now i've got an average body figure i think. i'm proportional. when you plug in my numbers to these bmi and other health calculators, i'm considered overweight. however one site indicated i should be around 120. i'd be blown away by a gust of wind if i were 120 at this height. i'm going to ignore basing my overall goals according to these health calculators. i do have a visual of what i'm aiming for though. now i've always been fortunate enough that my height hides my weight. a few pounds gained here or there aren't noticeable. the way i fit my clothes is my indicator of whether or not i need to back away from the table from time to time. in the past i've been able to get in a groove with working out and eating better. my problem is being able to maintain that routine longer than 4 or 5 months. i always seem to hit a road block. and then it's downhill from there. another obstacle is nutrition. i have a good sense of what to eat and what not to eat. but when it comes to getting up and actually cooking when i get home, now that's another story. most of the time i'm just too tired. a bowl of frosted flakes with banana slices always hits the spot and it's so simple to prepare...yet loaded with sugar!

i think what i may do differently this time is track my progress. basically record what i'm doing in the gym and what i'm eating. i've heard that journals are helpful, i just have to make the time to commit to maintaining one. i'll also have to resist the temptations of all the unhealthy options surrounding me at work and home. that neon flashing krispy kreme hot doughnut sign is the devil!!! it's like my body has a sixth sense for when that kk employee flips the switch cause before i know it, i am pulling into the drive-thru. and anyone who says they can eat just one is a liar!!! the only time i can eat just one is if there is one left in the box at work or a friend's place. man, either i may have to move or they may need to shut down my local krispy kreme out of respect for my new health kick. ha! if i had that kind of pull, i wouldn't need law school.

Girl, I swear sometimes you be reading my mind. I started my diet today. Girl when your pant leave the mark around you waist cause you busting at the seams....I think it's 'bout time that time to call Jenny. Shoot. Being a size 8 will be fine with me. At 120 pound you would prob be like a size 5. You have to go by what comfortable for you. Well anyhoo, Good Luck.

I'm a 5...and I'd like to be a 3...according to the picture above...

I love you blog! Very insightful.

You go girl! Exercise not only helps your body, it helps your mind as well. When I first started I didn't do it for the weight loss aspect, I did it more for the relaxation of it. I have more energy and stamina and my body is more toned. But my ass has not lost a lot of weight due to what I eat. KK is the debil, and we all know the debil is a sugar-frosted liar. Now if only I could learn portion control I'd be dangerous! Good luck and keep me updated on your progress.

I swear I'ma get off this 'see food' diet one of these days even though that might mean giving up my 'Team Chunk' trucker hat.

Keep yo head up homie. Don't let the man get ya down.


Be blessed! RE: law school and getting in shape. I am getting myself motivated to both as well (although I have a few years before I get to law school). BTW, thanks for visiting my blog!

Good luck with with the process of getting into law-school! I'll be rooting for you!!

As for the "workout plan" it takes alot of dedication but it can be done, as long as you don't hit a plateau. Start working out every other day, instead of hitting the gym 3 days in a row, you won't burn yourself out! And you know with getting inshape comes the whole "eating" thing, I'm studying to be a Nutritionist in school (my senior year) and I ALWAYS slack on the diet part when it comes to getting in shape!! So goood luck with that also :)

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